
Last Time....

Last good tip somebody gave you: Brush your teeth
Last time you played golf: With my pops in 2002.
Last set of songs you put on your iPod: Something country.
Last show you attended: Martin Sexton.
Last person you ate breakfast with: Garrett, Sarah, and Joey. Garrett made me this delicious eggs with vegetables chopped up in em’.
Last vehicle you bought: Toyota Tacoma 2006. Team Toyota.
Last night on the town: uhh…I went to IKEA with Sarah on Friday.
Last words of inspiration you heard: Garth Algar-"Live in the now."
Last time you wore a tie: Church 2 weeks ago.
Last book you read: Desert Solitare—Edward Abbey.
Last time you thought you were going to die: Driving in Vegas to get to Havasupi. Thanks a lot TIM!!!!
Last country you visited: Molca Salsa.
Last time you cried: I got chalk in my eyes last night does that count….
Last piece of clothing you bought: g-unit.
Last time you were in a car accident: in 1998 I was on the phone with JW.
Last food you ate: Tapioca.
Last promise you made to yourself: Sleep more.
Last dream you had: Sarah got an iphone before me.
Last TV show you watched: Gilmore Girls.
Last pet you had: A bird named Cosmo.
Last team sport you played: climb.
Last time you were confused: Constantly.
Last time you felt inspired: This morning.
Last party you threw: I had a ‘Slackline Saturday’ there were about 20 of us.
Last good park you skated: my little brothers street.
Last time you got into a fight: In my dream three nights I ago, I squished a wind pipe.
Last person you talked to on the telephone: My sister.
Last time you were in the hospital: I went to the dentist this morning.
Last thing you lost: My keen socks.
Last setup you put together: Tim Gavin Girl deck with some Pure wheels and Gullwing trucks.
Last climbing video you watched: Return 2 Sender.
Last time you witnessed anarchy: Chris Carrier….good ol’ days.
Last time you went to the movies: 3:10 to Yuma.
Last time you got ripped off: When I bought gas today.
Last song you listened to: California (part 2) Mason Jennings.
Last time you were betrayed: When I play croquet.
Last poster pinned to your bedroom wall: Matt Wilder climbing Moonlight Buttress.
Last Web site you visited: GMAIL.
Last thing you killed: My toilet.
Last time you got a ticket: Knock on wood.
Last video part you were stoked on: The behind-the-scenes footage in Garden State.
Last time something changed your life: Country Music.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope your Red Rocks trip was off da hizzook!

You better be training hard!