
trapped in a basement....

I have a new light bulb in my lamp. It's supposed to improve my attitude, especially during winter, and I could use that. I could use more light, more happy, a wider spectrum.

Mostly I use the lamp to read. This week I read "The Lone Surfer of Montana Kansas" by Davy Rothbart and find it extremely sad and incredibly heartbreaking. It fills me with longing -- insofar as one can be filled with emptiness -- which pretty much negates any benefit of the new light bulb and puts me right back where I started. It's like putting on a raincoat to stay dry and then jumping into a swimming pool.


Mission Statement

We believe in sinker jams high off the deck, a bomber nut, the crescent moon, your partners whoop, sand-washing the fry pan, road trips, one-swing sticks, remembering to breathe, alpine stars (more for the alpenglow than the early hour) tea in the desert, the plungestep, pb&j on tortillas, lenticular cloudcaps, rest days, the focus of a runout, a cold beverage at the end of it all. if you believe in these things too, join us.
.....Alpinist 0