
trapped in a basement....

I have a new light bulb in my lamp. It's supposed to improve my attitude, especially during winter, and I could use that. I could use more light, more happy, a wider spectrum.

Mostly I use the lamp to read. This week I read "The Lone Surfer of Montana Kansas" by Davy Rothbart and find it extremely sad and incredibly heartbreaking. It fills me with longing -- insofar as one can be filled with emptiness -- which pretty much negates any benefit of the new light bulb and puts me right back where I started. It's like putting on a raincoat to stay dry and then jumping into a swimming pool.


Mission Statement

We believe in sinker jams high off the deck, a bomber nut, the crescent moon, your partners whoop, sand-washing the fry pan, road trips, one-swing sticks, remembering to breathe, alpine stars (more for the alpenglow than the early hour) tea in the desert, the plungestep, pb&j on tortillas, lenticular cloudcaps, rest days, the focus of a runout, a cold beverage at the end of it all. if you believe in these things too, join us.
.....Alpinist 0


Go make a life...

…not a living.

A beautiful friend of mine has been showing recently through photography and through example that we live the physical dream…such a sweet reminder…as dreams go they can turn you any which way, often frighten you…of course that’s when we forget that it is we who control the dream. They are meant to be whatever we wish for ourselves whether it be jumping out of a plane, spending time with grandparents or climbing some obscure mountain. This world in which we live is here to teach and astonish. It makes me laugh how quick I am to see what is around each and every corner, behind every idea; we want the answer to every question we ask and every decision that we make.

Lately I am sleeping in later and dreaming more. It is quite a treat. I truly enjoy the time between sleeping and waking. It gives me time to control my dreams; I am in complete control for those brief moments. I am able to envision things exactly in whatever color that I want. When you dream is it in color? I think that sometimes I dream in black and white. I wake feeling more dull some mornings and vibrant others, at first I thought it was the ratio of sleep to physical exertion, but now my new school of thought is that it is completely dependent on whether or not I dream in color. Laying here in the mornings and late night I think of friends and being in rich deep dark green meadows eating picnics and viewing people that you dream of trading places with. I look up these granite faces and wonder what each individual person is thinking right now: are they scared? Are they wondering when this pitch will end? are the dreaming of their next adventure? In the mornings I sit and wonder when my adventure is coming.

Hopefully its sooner than later…



Loose Change
Burts Bees Wax

Home Depot credit card
Insurance Card
American Express credit card
Morgan Bruderer’s 11th grade student ID
Visa Debit Card
Utah Drivers License
Visa Credit Card
Blockbuster Membership Card
Mike Aitken Business Card
2 dollar bill
Temple Recommend
$90 cash

322 numbers
14 pictures



fall is falling...

I love being alone in the morning in the fall. All I can hear is the dragging of my feet over the leaves, and the echo’s of snapping twigs, rocks falling over and onto one another, and the backward kiss sound that your lips make after you inhale what beverage your lips desire when you find yourself parched.

I like seeing the light come through the hills and make them come alive with their beautiful decay. From my house I can see the sun creeping up over the mountains and painting the opposite side of the valley. Living on this side of the valley allows me to see this painting happen in slow motion. Colors slide across the canvas and fill the palette like ice cream dripping off of a waffle cone into the lap of whatever 4 year old is holding it.

Enjoy the colors while they are around peoples.

I’ll leave you to ponder some random stuff that I have noticed:
-Walking through IKEA is the closest you’ll ever get to walking through a website. (And lets be honest who doesn’t the love the interweb in real life.)
- Natalie Portman has a boyfriend and isn’t really my type anyway.
-This could be the last season of Smallville according to local gossip.
-Local Gossip sucks ass.
-Millie Vannile still kicks ass.
-Books are always better than the movie that it is supposedly “based on the novel by [insert authors name here]”.
-As I get older, the more I enjoy going to bed early and rising with the birds.
-As I get older, the more I truly love old classic movies. The first 3:10 to Yuma was way better than the first.



After that it got really warm, but it was great to see the snow again. I think that the horseshoe hike is out for the season so I will have to tackle that one next season. Kyle came close two weeks ago when he had to retreat at the Pfeifferhorn, but had to bail because he had school and needed to get some rest.

But soon enough it’ll go.


Last Time....

Last good tip somebody gave you: Brush your teeth
Last time you played golf: With my pops in 2002.
Last set of songs you put on your iPod: Something country.
Last show you attended: Martin Sexton.
Last person you ate breakfast with: Garrett, Sarah, and Joey. Garrett made me this delicious eggs with vegetables chopped up in em’.
Last vehicle you bought: Toyota Tacoma 2006. Team Toyota.
Last night on the town: uhh…I went to IKEA with Sarah on Friday.
Last words of inspiration you heard: Garth Algar-"Live in the now."
Last time you wore a tie: Church 2 weeks ago.
Last book you read: Desert Solitare—Edward Abbey.
Last time you thought you were going to die: Driving in Vegas to get to Havasupi. Thanks a lot TIM!!!!
Last country you visited: Molca Salsa.
Last time you cried: I got chalk in my eyes last night does that count….
Last piece of clothing you bought: g-unit.
Last time you were in a car accident: in 1998 I was on the phone with JW.
Last food you ate: Tapioca.
Last promise you made to yourself: Sleep more.
Last dream you had: Sarah got an iphone before me.
Last TV show you watched: Gilmore Girls.
Last pet you had: A bird named Cosmo.
Last team sport you played: climb.
Last time you were confused: Constantly.
Last time you felt inspired: This morning.
Last party you threw: I had a ‘Slackline Saturday’ there were about 20 of us.
Last good park you skated: my little brothers street.
Last time you got into a fight: In my dream three nights I ago, I squished a wind pipe.
Last person you talked to on the telephone: My sister.
Last time you were in the hospital: I went to the dentist this morning.
Last thing you lost: My keen socks.
Last setup you put together: Tim Gavin Girl deck with some Pure wheels and Gullwing trucks.
Last climbing video you watched: Return 2 Sender.
Last time you witnessed anarchy: Chris Carrier….good ol’ days.
Last time you went to the movies: 3:10 to Yuma.
Last time you got ripped off: When I bought gas today.
Last song you listened to: California (part 2) Mason Jennings.
Last time you were betrayed: When I play croquet.
Last poster pinned to your bedroom wall: Matt Wilder climbing Moonlight Buttress.
Last Web site you visited: GMAIL.
Last thing you killed: My toilet.
Last time you got a ticket: Knock on wood.
Last video part you were stoked on: The behind-the-scenes footage in Garden State.
Last time something changed your life: Country Music.


candice is lame....

i'm only doing this cause my sister did.....